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Mock drill excercise on terrorist attack in Cuttack Railway station.

Cuttack: Today mock drill excercise on terrorist attack activities was held in Cuttack Railway station.

As per station security plan SOP, a counter terrorist multi-agency mock drill exercise was organized at CTC Railway station today from 12.30 Hrs to 15.05hrs. IIC/RPF/CTC and GRPS/CTC jointly co-ordinated and organized the mock drill.

The following agencies had participated in the mock drill were RPF : ASC/RPF/CTC, IPF-01, SIPF-05, ASI-01, HC/CT-23 GRP: SRP, DSRP/CTC, SI-01, ASI-02, HC/CT-25.
SOG: Commandant-01, Inspector-01, ASI-02 Commando-25 Commissionarate police : DCP, IIC-01, SI- 01, ASI-03,Staff-16T Traffic: IIC-01, staff-05.F Fire SI-01, Staff- 06 with 01 Fire Brigade.

BDDS : Inspector-1 with 15+staff Railway Medical-02 staff Station staff :-Station Manager/CTC, CMI/CTC, SSE/Elect, SSE/S&T /CTC .

Plot for mock drill :At 12.30 hrs:-03 suspected persons tried to enter into the PF No 05 of East side of Cuttack Railway station, Where RPF staff wants to check the suspected persons, immediately they open fired and enter into the Railway station.

At 12.40 hrs :- RPF /QRT came into the action and they restricted the terrorist group with firing and not allowed to move towards PF No 01, where the passengers waiting for Train No.12875 Neelachal Express which was scheduled to be arrived at PF No.1. But the terrorist managed to hijack the Train No.08432 {Puri-CTC Passenger} which was standing at PF No.5 and keep some civilian as hostage.

At 12.45 hrs: IIC/RPF/CTC and GRPS/CTC immediately take the position and make a quick plan to evacuate the station and cordon off the area as soon as possible with available resources. They also informed the higher authority about the situation. (STU move from HQ)

At 12.50 hrs : Demand call of terrorist to IIC/RPF/CTC with an ultimatum.

At-13.00 hrs : Negotiation team started negotiation to gain some time.

At 13.15hrs : Higher authority decided not to fulfil the demand of Terrorist, go for force entry and the task given to Special Tactical Unit( SOG).

At 13.30hrs : Special Tactical Unit( SOG) reached at target area.

At 13.35hrs : SOG was taking over situation from RPF and GRP.

At 13.40 hrs:DCP/Cuttack arrived the spot and tackled the situation.

At 13.45 hrs: Briefing and planning by DCP, Cuttack and SOG

At 13.55hrs : Operation started for rescue of hostage.

At 15.00 hrs: All hostage rescued and operation closed.

At 15.05 hrs : Handed over the situation to RPF& GRP .. Regards IIC RPF Cuttack.

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