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Career Counselling Programme in Khuntini College

By January 17, 2020January 18th, 2020No Comments




Cuttack, Athagrah:  Career Counselling Programme is organised in the premises of Radhanath Rath Bigyan Higher Secondary School , Principal of the College,  Rabinaryan Das inaugurated the Programme in which Arifin Institute of Bhubaneswar  conducted the career counselling programme  for the students on  the topic  regarding  better education and service. At the out set Surendra kumar Peathoi, Lect. in Odia welcome the dignataries  on the dias and all staffs.

Director of ARFIN institute   Ms.Slipa Barei and her associate Kitab Ramanujan delivered talk on various scopes in Banking, Staff selection commission, Railways , B.Ed, CT, etc. Nodal Officer of Carrer Counselling  Bhaskar Chandra Pattnaik  managed and coordinate the Mrs. kanak Lata sarangi,  Lect. in. Economices Gobardhan Beura extended their  co opereation for the  grand sucess of the programme. At the end Chitta ranjan Dash Offered Vote of thanks.

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