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Students are in panic, ANU will conduct PG And UG Examination2020, in Andhra Pradesh.

By July 4, 2020No Comments


Students are in panic, ANU will conduct PG And UG Examination2020, in Andhra Pradesh.

Bhubaneswar: Acharya Nagarjuna University , of Andhra Pradesh state , by the order of VC,  ch. Usha Rani controller of examination had issued a notification regarding conduct of examination from 5th August 2020.

The students and their parents are in panic , how to appear the exam in these pandemic situation arises due to spread of covid-19.

Students from Cuttack Odisha appeal to both the state government to cancel the examination, because they have to take permission from ODISHA government , And there is traveling issues, All restaurant area closed, in the state of Andhra Pradesh, staying and appearing exam will be great problem, one of the students Bhawani Shankar Sahu said

Bhawani Shankar  Sahu bearing roll no Y19BP31003 of Sarada Bped college under Acharya nagarjun university (ongle) Andrha Pradesh from cuttack ODISHA, he said as Odisha’s Government had promoted to all students in their next semester, like wise Andhra Pradesh state government should do.

As per HMFW Government of Andhra Pradesh Covid-19 cases are

Confirmed-14,414 , Active-8082, Decreased-206, looking to the above data, the students and parents are in depression.

Waiting for the cancellation of examination form Higher education department govt of Andhra Pradesh.

ODISHA government should take necessary action one of the students said.

More than 30 students from ODISHA are studying in the different college, under ANU.

There education career are in threats.

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