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On 39th Foundation Day webinar was organised by ICSI BBSR,Chapter.

By September 12, 2020No Comments


On 39th Foundation Day webinar was organised by ICSI BBSR,Chapter.

ICSI Bhubaneswar Chapter organized a webinar on Issues with Dematerialization of Shares & Form PAS – 6 and Recent Updates in Companies Act, 2013 on the eve of its 39th Foundation Day & also Teachers Conference today.

Prof. Mahadeo Jaiswal, Director, IIM, Sambalpur addressing at ICSI Teachers Conference today.

About 100 Teachers from different Colleges/Universities/Educational Institutions of Odisha had attended.

Bhubaneswar:While addressing on the occasion Chief Guest Dr. Sasmit Patra, Hon’ble Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) said that the ICSI has developed leaps and bounds to deliver to the high expectations of the stakeholders. In the due course the profession of Company Secretaries has obtained several acclamations and recognitions which justify the respect and trust the government, regulatory authorities, shareholders and other stakeholders have for the profession. He congratulates the ICSI Bhubaneswar Chapter, its members, students of Odisha and those who have associated during the 39 years of rendering various services to the societies

Addressing on the occasion, Shri Ananta Kumar Sethi, Registrar of Companies-Cum_OL, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Cuttack, Odisha said that a Company secretary is the conscience stimulator of a company, the governance guardian. The Company Secretaries are accorded with much recognition under the Companies Act, 2013 and rules made thereunder. The Company Secretary is the Compliance Officer under the SEBI LODR Regulations. It shows the enormous faith bestowed upon by the legislators on the profession of Company Secretaries.

In his presidential address CS Ashish Garg, President, who is also elected as President of Corporate Secretaries International Association (CSIA) for the year 2021 congratulates the ICSI Bhubaneswar Chapter for its wonderful achievement in Odisha and also at the National level during the 39th year of its services.

CS Nagendra D Rao, Vice President, the ICSI, CS Siddhartha Murarka, Central Council Member, the ICSI, CS Priyadarshi Nayak, Chairman, EIRC of the ICSI and CS Prabhat Kumar Nayak, Chairman, Bhubaneswar Chapter spoke on the occasion.

CS Divesh Goyal, Practising Company Secretary, New Delhi also delivered speech on the Issues with Dematerialization of Shares & Form PAS – 6 and Recent Updates in Companies Act, 2013. Company Secretary members and students of Odisha attended the webinar.


Bhubaneswar Chatper has also organised at Teachers Conference today wherein Prof. Mahadeo Jaiswal, Director, IIM Sambalpur addressed the Teachers on “Empowering Educators” during the morning sessions of the programme. In this programme Dr (Prof) Samson Moharana, Head and Dean, School of Commerce, Birla Global University, Dr (Prof). Ranjan Kumar Bal, former PG Council Chairman, Utkal University, CS Deepak Kumar Khaitan & CS Siddhartha Murarka, Central Council Member, the ICSI addressed on “ New Companies Act, 2013, New Education Policy etc”

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