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Odisha’s significant contribution to India achieving 7.50 billion sq ft of green footprint

By August 18, 2020No Comments


Odisha’s significant contribution
to India achieving 7.50 billion sq ft of green footprint

Bhubaneswar: The Indian Green Building Council (IGBC), formed by CII in 2001, with the support of Government, Architects, Corporate, Developers, Engineers, Institutes and many other stakeholders has enabled India to become one of the top 5 Countries in the world in terms of built up area of green developments.
As on date, there are 5,975 projects, equivalent to 7.55 billion sq ft, from green buildings and green built-environment in the country is adopting IGBC GREEN rating programmes. These green projects, from the government and private sector, have adopted IGBCs’ rating systems such as Green Homes, Green New Buildings, Green Healthcare Facilities, Green Schools, Green Factory Buildings, Green Campuses, Green Townships, Green Cities, etc.
Till date, IGBC has launched 26 IGBC GREEN Rating programmes, which are holistic ratings catering to the design, construction and operation of almost all project typologies. IGBC is also a founding member of World Green Building Council (WorldGBC the nodal body of country councils from across the globe) and IGBCs’ achievements have been appreciated and recognized by WorldGBC in numerous forums.
During this occasion, Mr V Suresh, National Chairman of IGBC said, “We have now achieved 75% of our dream to facilitate 10 Billion sq ft of green building footprint by 2022. India can become a world leader in sustainable built-environment only with the continued support, guidance and involvement of various national and international stakeholders. All the rating systems of IGBC are designed to address National priorities and are facilitating in meeting many of the Sustainable Development Goals developed by the United Nations.”
Mr Gurmit Singh Arora, Vice Chairman, IGBC, mentioned, “What began as one green building project in 2001 – the IGBC headquarters in Hyderabad, has become a National movement and today this movement belongs to all of us. We should build on the green momentum which we have collectively generated over the past two decades and take the movement to the next higher level. The current pandemic has demonstrated the extraordinary ability of human beings to act as one when most needed. The green building fraternity too will come closer and the green movement shall emerge stronger from this experience.”
Mr Manoj Kar, Chair, IGBC Bhubaneswar chapter added, “Odisha has been one of the fastest growing states in terms of green building projects. The acceptance among the developers to adopt sustainable design, construction and certification has been widespread. The movement has now spread beyond the boundaries of Bhubaneswar city into other districts and suburbs. The support from the state government has been exemplary. The state has more than 40 green building projects. We are happy to contribute to India achieving this significant milestone.”
Ms Sofia Fidous, Co-chair, IGBC Bhubaneswar chapter, went on to list few other landmark green projects in Bhubaneswar such as DRM Office, Khurdah is being renovated and retro-fitted as a green building as per IGBC Rating; the office building of OREDA is being structured as a green building as per IGBC Rating.

Mr Kar and Ms Firdous concluded by saying, “In line with Atmanirbhar Bharat and ‘Vocal for Local’, we request the government to consider only India-based green building rating agencies, with at least 10 – 15 years of operation, while awarding incentives such as additional FAR, reduction in development charges and rebate in property tax to projects.” They also thanked all IGBC members, stakeholders, partner associations for their continued support and urged all to recommit themselves to an environment-friendly lifestyle and culture.

Few of the newer areas in which IGBC is focusing currently are sustaining superior energy, water and waste management in green existing buildings through renovation and retro-fitting; Green Logistics Parks, Warehouses and above all, enhanced health and well-being of occupants in buildings – which is most apt amidst the current pandemic.

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