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OCTAA president present memorandum to Odisha Governor

By May 19, 2020No Comments


OCTAA president present memorandum to Odisha Governor

Bhubaneswar:  OCTAA state president prasanna Choudhary and state secretary Pravat tripathy with their members meet Governor and submit a memorandum for reopening of c private coaching and training center in the state.

As power is vested to the state government, whether to open or close any establishment in the state. The following points were kept before the Governor of Odisha.

That in view do the pandemic Covid-19 our state government has taken decision for all the Schools, Colleges, Tutorials of the state to impart teaching through online.

With respect to that decision Odisha Coaching and Training Academy Association (OCTAA) has tried its level best in providing online teaching to our students, but we have noticed so many problems while doing so.

Firstly many students are unable to assess this facility, Since their family don’t own an android set. Secondly poor network connection is another hindrance which prevents many rural students to access their facility.

Another thing we have noticed that only 10 – 15% students are getting the benefit of online teaching but those who are mediocre, average or weak students, for them online coaching produced no result.

We are unable to provide quality teaching through online and this online teaching is not meant for all types of students. Therefore we request you to provide us permission for offline teaching especially to the Tutorial and Coaching Institute.

There is no point in comparing the teaching methodology of Schools and Colleges to that of Coaching Institute. The latter has 6 – 7 hours in a day to cover the course but the former covers of the course by spending 2 – 3 hours in a day. The Coaching and Training Institute are severelyaffected under the pandemic. We are unable to pay the House rent and make Staff payment it’s not fair to ask for payments to parents for online teaching, when many do them are unable to assess the teaching. So if we are permitted for offline teaching, then thousands of Coaching and Teaching Institute will overcome from the crisis. We make solemnly promise to avoid by all the restrictions I.e. maintaining distance, wearing mask and class consisting of limited number of students. Official person had received the memorandum and awaiting for favourable response from the Governor.


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