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Female Sarpanch caught red-handed by vigilance while taking a bribe.

By June 29, 2020No Comments


Female Sarpanch caught red-handed by vigilance while taking a bribe.


Nishapati Nayak REPORTER

Koraput:Muzang Panchayat Sarpanch Raila Majhi of Dashmantapur block was caught by vigilance while taking bribe. She was caught red-handed taking a bribe of Rs 20,000. She  was taken to the Jaypur-based Vigilance Office for further questioning. Gangadhar then became the doorman of Vigilance. This morning, officials of the Koraput Vigilance Division were arrested while taking a bribe from Gangadhar in a rented house in bhejaput, Semiliguda block.

According to sources, Raila had demanded a bribe of Rs 20,000 from Gangadhar Saunta of Bhaktaguda village in Muzang panchayat to give work orders for a village pond work. Gangadhar then became the doorman of Vigilance.

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