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Distribution of blanket to BPL holders

By January 14, 2020No Comments


Sudhakar kumar Shahi (spl.correspondent)



Cuttack:   In Mahanadi vihar  Kalinga Aid  Foundation Distributed  blanket to poor people of the city. BJD convenor shri Nand Lal , Ram murti Tiwari organiser .

Chief Guest Prabhat Biswal Ex MLA  grace the occasion at Sai Mandir temple. more than 100 blanket were distributed among the people, who don’t have money to buy blanket in this sever winter days. He said he was pleased to meet with the old woman and giving them blanket.

He also praised to Mr. Nandlal for his social work . And he promised to help and co-operate him in such kind of work.

Vote of thanks was given by Manoj. And many other volunteers were present in the occasion.


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