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CHSE ODISHA ,+2 Annual Exam remaining paper cancelled

By June 29, 2020No Comments


CHSE, ODISHA +2 Annual Exam remaining paper cancelled

Bhubaneswar: Most awaiting decision was taken today by Govt of ODISHA to cancelled +2 Annual Exam remaining paper, which was postponed due to  covid-19 , lockdown.

Earlier it was decided to conduct the examination, but due to increased in the no of cases of covid-19 patients, it was cancelled.


Controller of examinations Dr.Bijay Kumar sahoo said, government had taken decision to cancelled the examination of pending paper for +2 Science, Atrs, commerce and vocational.

As per CHSE board and ICSE board had already cancelled the remaining paper Exam, waiting for the supreme court final verdict.

This decision is taken by both CHSE and SME , government of ODISHA.

After a new guidelines had been issued by HRD minister Govt of India, and CHSE board.

About the mark award in the respective subject a meeting will be held at lok sewa bhawan, Bhubaneswar headed by SME minister Sameer Ranjan Das, and later send to the CMO office for final approval.

Expected results will be on 15th July 2020, without any delay, CHSE, examination Controller,Dr.Bijay kumar sahoo said.

A  official notice will be published tomorrow on this regard he said.



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