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Agriculture 4.0-TechnoBased Farming

By July 29, 2020No Comments


Agriculture 4.0-TechnoBased Farming

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Sambalpur:Agriculture is the main backbone of the society. India is a village where main occupation is agriculture and more than 65% of the people lives in villages. Different factors like food security, poverty and sustainable agricultural practices will pave the way for a future techno-based farming. As per the report of the World Government Summit who launched a report called Agriculture 4.0. The report states four main aspects which are mounting pressure on agriculture such as demographics, scarcity of natural resources, climate change and food waste. By the year 2050, demand should be 70 per cent more in terms of food production. Agriculture plays an important role in up-fillment of GDP. Now GDP has declined and 8% of the world population will still be under nourished by 2030. Invention and innovation in agriculture is the need of the hour. Issues arising in the new future generation of time is technology advancement in Agro-based industries.

Government can play an important role in solving the issues of food problem. To meet the challenges with regulated effort by different stakeholders. Agriculture 4.0 will make use of technology advancement such as sensors, devices, machines, and information technology. Sophisticated technologies such as robots, temperature, moisture sensors, aerial images, and GPS technology are the main instruments for increasing and upgrading agriculture productivity. These advanced instruments will help farmers to earn more profit in short duration, remain safe and efficient and be environmentally friendly also. Techno based agriculture will also boost export production. Agriculture is that sector on which all other sector depends So investment in agriculture will make India a better place for employment opportunities and poverty reduction.

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