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New Delhi: National Institute of Open Schooling has released the revised date-sheet for class 10th and 12th board examinations. The NIOS exam will begin from July 17 and end on August 13. Exams for physics, history, library and info science and Sanskrit Vyakaran will be conducted for class 12th on July 17 while for class 10th, Hindustani music paper will be conducted. The exams will be conducted from 2:30 to 5:30 pm daily.

Originally, NIOS had scheduled to conduct the 10th, 12th examination from March 24 to April 24 which was postponed due to the coronavirus lockdown. Exams for physics, history, library and info science and Sanskrit Vyakaran will be conducted for class 12th on July 17 while for class 10th, Hindustani music paper will be conducted. The exams will be conducted from 2:30 to 5:30 pm daily.

Originally, NIOS had scheduled to conduct the 10th, 12th examination from March 24 to April 24 which was postponed due to the coronavirus lockdown.

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