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Fake message about Rishta Atta being infected with covid -19 virus said Subhash Gupta MD

A fake message was trolling in the social media about Not to Purchase Rishta Brand of Atta .

Cuttack: A fake message was trolling in the social media about Not to Purchase Risrha Brand of Atta , and other products and this message had been trolled in whats app groups and social media.

when our team talk with Subhash Gupta  M.D. of Rishta Foods Private Limited ,  he  said this is fake message trolled by my competitor in order to defame the brand of RISHTA  brand Atta  and other bi -product.  when he found one worker  named mangu, is corona virus affected on 17 th july  he decided  to make covid-19 test to all the workers present in the Manchester unit,  176 workers was tested and the cost bear by the company .

The cost of testing was approx Rs.3,25, 000 was paid to Sukanta Covid Test Center through RTGS   on 20th july,,for 176 workers in order to save life of the workers. out of 176 workers , 61  workers were found positive, and they were admitted to hospital.

He said RISHTA Atta is not manufactured in Mancheswar, its manufactured in Barunei plant at khurda. Covid-19 testing was done by the management on its own cost on Asympotmatic employees only to save the spread n save the society at large but Vested interested pol exploiting the situation to malign the group. We always value quality, hygiene in all our products.

only commercial Atta , Maida and Chokudi ( cattle feed)  for other biscuit manufacturing unit, and BMC  had already declared the fact  and the unit was closed  from 17th july, by the BMC after serving notice.

3 People arrested for fake message in whats app trolled was also fake which was latter tweeter buy Otv, and legal  nation will be  taken against hose people who are involved in this case.

He is going to file a case against those people who had tried to defame the brand of Rishta atta and bi product, he added.


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